Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year, New Blog

A new year is here and in keeping with my tradition to try something new each year I've decided to create a blog. I've been resistant to doing this in the past, for some reason unknown to even me. Actually, my friend Gina and my niece Rachel are the people who have inspired me to take this on, as I love looking at their blogs and the pictures they post of their families. It helps me feel connected to them since I'm the world's worst at keeping in touch, even with people I love. So, we'll see how this goes.

We rang in the New Year (and Michael's 16th birthday) with our friends Dale, Candy, Michael, Megan, Michelle and Mason last night. Our evening included lots of good food, good wine, and Rock Band. I can honestly say that is probably the first time I have ever heard my husband sing in public. I had to strain my ear, and it was more like talking (we'll call it rapping), but he was holding a microphone and saying/singing words that actually had some sort of rhythm to them. AND, he was the designated driver so he wasn't even filled with liquid courage like the rest of us. Sam and I did an awesome duet to "Eye of the Tiger" which in his opinion is about the best song ever written.

I'm happy for this new year. I feel more hopeful than I have in a very long time. My family is healthy and strong, I'm pursuing a new career, we have a new is good!

Happy New Year everyone!

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