Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day 2009

Caitlin and my cousins Bethany and Brandee doing what they do best....being dorks! These photos are out of sequence but I'm tired and I keep deleting the pictures when I'm writing underneath them.
My guys, one of which needs a haircut. (But he's still awfully handsome.) Almost all the pictures we have of Sam from the time he was a toddler show this same pose...thumb up. I swear he has his thumb up in the ultrasound picture taken of him at 16 weeks!

The Paul H. Workman Park in So. Salt Lake was named after my Uncle Paul, a volunteer firefighter and all around great guy. Uncle Paul was a lot of fun and I have great memories of him. He died of cancer in 1980, at the age of 36.
This is where we hold the annual Workman Family Memorial Day Ball Game/Picnic every year, weather permitting. Last year we were in Myke and Erica's garage because it was pouring rain. This year the weather was a little cool but nice. There's our Caitlin up to bat. She finally kicked off her flip flops so she could run. She did pretty darn good but shares her mom's tendency to hit foul balls.

Caitlin's off and running....

The cheering squad
L to R: Chip, Sam (behind my mom), Mom (a.k.a. Grandma and Gloria), Aunt Marci, Aunt Lisa, Cousin Christie

More family...Left side: Cousin-in-law Steve and son Seth. Right side: Cousin Christie, Aunt Marci, Aunt Lisa.

Both these guys are cousins, Craig on the left and Richard on the right. Both are also newlyweds, having been married in March and April. (My poor Uncle Dennis and Aunt Bonnie!) Craig's wife is Aubrey and Richard's wife is Wendy. Melissa, my well traveled, ultra-cool cousin is at the head of the table...where she belongs!!!

Sam, just hangin' out.

We had another great Workman Memorial Day get together. Our extended family comes together twice a year, on Memorial Day and at Christmas time. I'm not sure how the tradition of Memorial Day came about, but we've been getting together for this holiday for as far back as I can remember. These picnics were always a lot of fun and also meant Grandma's potato salad, which has been respectably duplicated by my Aunt Marci and her daughter Brandee. I seem to remember the first baseball game occurring when I was an adolescent. Since then it's been tradition.


  1. Cute pictures! It was fun to see the pictures from the annual softball game I keep hearing about.

  2. Wow - I'm not the only one who has trouble with the order of photos and accidentally deleting them. It makes me feel so much better. Tell "Zoo" she looks good with a bat!
